Monikie Angling Club
* To join or rejoin the club, download our Membership Application Form here.
* To book a boat (members and visitors) – phone 01382 370300.
* Club Bookings – mailto: <> or phone: 01382 477996.

Let fellow fly fishers know how you got on at Monikie

We're always keen to let everyone know how the fly fishing is going at Monikie Angling Club.
So if you've had a good day at Monikie, why not drop us an email at to let us know how you got on? We’d be delighted to hear from you.
Please remember that once anglers have kept their allocated rod limit of fish they must stop fishing and leave the water.
Where fishing catch and release (using barbless or de-barbed hooks) anglers must stop fishing when they have their limit, and have released 15 fish.

To compare returns from last season, click here


Week Ending October 12

No boats out this week.

Week Ending October 5

Another disappointing week, I’m afraid.

Island Pond, Day

2 boats (4 rods). No fish.

North Pond, Day

No boats out.

Week Ending September 28

Sadly, this week’s return is exactly the same as last week’s.

Island Pond, Day

2 boats (4 rods). No fish.

Island Pond, Evening

No boats out.

North Pond, Day

No boats out.

North Pond, Evening

No boats out.

Week Ending September 21

Another very disappointing week. Both ponds closed on Saturday due to Triathlon event.

Island Pond, Day

2 boats (4 rods). No fish.

Island Pond, Evening

No boats out.

North Pond, Day

No boats out.

North Pond, Evening

No boats out.

Week Ending September 14

Strong winds were against us this week. Let’s hope the better weather we’re experiencing just now will encourage anglers to come and try their luck.

Island Pond, Day

No boats out.

Island Pond, Evening

No boats out.

North Pond, Day

No boats out.

North Pond, Evening

No boats out.

Clubs Out

Perth Ex-Services AC, 2 boats (5 rods). No fish caught.

Week Ending September 7

(Free fishing ended September 2).

Island Pond, Day

1 boat (1 rod), no fish.

Island Pond, Evening

2 boats (3 rods) no fish.

North Pond, Day

No boats out.

North Pond, Evening.

No boats out.

Week Ending August 31

(Includes free fishing Sunday to Saturday day sessions and Friday and Saturday evening sessions).

Island Pond, Day

9 boats (14 rods), 1 fish for 3 lbs 2 ozs. Congratulations to John Soutar.

Island Pond, Evening

1 boat (2 rods) no fish.

North Pond, Day

3 boats (4 rods), no fish.

North Pond, Evening

No boats out.

Week Ending August 31

(Includes free fishing Sunday to Saturday day sessions and Friday and Saturday evening sessions).

Island Pond, Day

9 boats (14 rods), 1 fish for 3 lbs 2 ozs. Congratulations to John Soutar.

Island Pond, Evening

1 boat (2 rods) no fish.

North Pond, Day

3 boats (4 rods), no fish.

North Pond, Evening

No boats out.

Week Ending August 24

Island Pond, Day

4 boats (4 rods), no fish caught.

Island Pond, Evening

1 boat (1 rod), no fish.

North Pond, Day

No boats out.

North Pond, Evening

No boats out.

Week Ending August 17

Successful flies included Candy Snake, Black and Green lure, and Hot Head Damsel.

Island Pond, Day

9 boats (17 rods), 2 fish for 5 lbs 6 ozs, 2 fish returned.

Island Pond, Evening

5 boats (9 rods), 2 fish for 4 lbs 8 ozs.

North Pond, Day

No boats out.

North Pond, Evening

No boats out.

Clubs Out

Dundee Novelty AC, 6 boats (5 rods) one fish weighing 1 lb 14 ozs.

Notable Catches

G Stewart with a superb fish weighing 3 lbs 8 ozs caught on a yellowy-orange Blob.

Week Ending August 10

A quiet week with few fish caught. However it was reported anglers were having some success with damsel flies.

Island Pond, Day

5 boats (7 rods) keeping 6 fish for 12 lbs 10 ozs.

Island Pond, Evening

2 boats (3 rods).

North Pond, Day

3 boats (5 rods) one fish returned.

North Pond, Evening

1 boat (1 rod).

Notable Returns

A Murray and A Strachan fishing a half day morning session on the Island Pond, 3 fish for 5 lbs 5 ozs.

Week Ending August 3

It was another quiet week, even after the stocking on the Tuesday. Some fish showing on the surface, particularly around Elsie’s Corner, however the ospreys have been having more success than the anglers!
There are only a couple of weeks of evening sessions to go, so if you have vouchers you’ll need to get out there without delay.

Island Pond, Day

3 boats (7 rods) 8 fish for 14 lbs 8 ozs.

Island Pond, Evening

3 boats (5 rods) 3 for 6 lbs.

North Pond, Day

No boats out.

North Pond, Evening

No boats out.

Clubs Out

Balbeggie AC, 6 boats (12 rods) 7 fish for 11 lbs 7 ozs.

Week Ending July 27

There has been some lovely weather, with things warming up, but still little fly life.
But there are lots of fry to feed on. Spooned fish certainly show an appetite for fry and small snails.
Anglers have had some success with size 16 CDC suspender buzzer, olive snake, and a peach tailed Wickhams.
Update – the North and Island ponds were stocked on the 30th, so let’s hope these new fish will stir things up and give some good sport.

Island Pond, Day

2 boats (3 rods) 2 fish returned.

Island Pond, Evening

11 boats (20 rods) 3 returned.

North Pond, Day

No boats out.

North Pond, Evening

No boats out.

Week Ending July 20

Another challenging week at Monikie, with the trout difficult to tempt so successful anglers are mostly fishing slow and deep.
Fish finders are locating lots of fish, well down, and not rising in any significant numbers as there has been very little fly life to bring them up in the water.
Spooned fish show they’ve been eating fry and small snails.
Tactics including nymphs, boobies, blobs, hot head lures and small traditionals fished on floating, midge tips to Di5 lines have brought some success.

Island Pond, Day

10 boats (16 rods) 10 fish for 18 lbs 3 ozs.

Island Pond, Evening

1 boat (2 rods).

North Pond, Day

1 boat (1 rod).

North Pond, Evening

1 boat (1 rod).

Clubs Out

Newtyle and Meigle AC, 3 boats (6 rods) 3 fish for 6 lbs 3 ozs.
Perth AC, 2 boats (4 rods) 6 fish for 10 lbs 7 ozs.

Week Ending July 13

Another challenging week at Monikie with the fish proving difficult.
However, anglers found a variety of tactics including nymphs, boobies, lures and small traditionals (including Kingfisher Butcher and size 12 Viva) on floating, and midge tip to Di5 lines led to some success.
Though there is very little fly life showing, there are lots of fry, and spooned fish have been feeding on them and small snails.

Island Pond, Day

10 boats (17 rods) keeping 13 fish for 25 lbs, 1 returned.

Island Pond, Evening

20 boats (33 rods) keeping 7 fish for 13 lbs 10 ozs, 5 returned.

North Pond, Day

1 boat (2 rods) 1 fish at 2 lbs 8 ozs.

North Pond, Evening

No boats out.

Clubs Out

Balbeggie AC, 5 boats (10 rods) kept 10 fish for 19 lbs 11 ozs.
Dundee AC, 5 boats (10 rods), 5 fish for 9 lbs 14 ozs.

Week Ending July 6

A mixed week at Monikie with two days lost to a triathlon event, and a couple more where windy weather brought cancellations.
Some anglers are hitting on a winning formula as demonstrated by Neil Anderson taking five fish in one of the Club Championship heats on an olive snake and an orange blob fished just sub-surface. This included a lovely fish of around 5 lbs returned.

Island Pond, Day

9 boats (13 rods) keeping 7 fish for 13 lbs 10 ozs, with 9 returned.

Island Pond, Evening

20 boats (39 rods) keeping 3 fish for 4 lbs 14 ozs, with 25 returned.

North Pond, Day

No boats out.

North Pond, Evening

No boats out.

Clubs Out

Dundee AC, 4 boats (8 rods) 4 for 8 lbs 2 ozs.

Notable Catches

Chris Pyke with 4 caught on nymphs.
Mark Irvine keeping 2 for 3 lbs 8 ozs, and returning 2, fishing a green and black Viva and Diawl Bach on a midge tip line.

Club championship final to be fished on the evening of Friday July 12.

Week Ending June 29

Strong, gusty, winds made for a difficult week with anglers having to “dig deep” to catch fish.
The rainbows are still not showing much on the surface, though when they were Rodney Grubb managed to catch two for 6 lbs 2 ozs on a size 16 Pheasant tail Nymph and a size 14 Grunter.
Going to the other extreme, Douglas Beckett caught two fish on a DI7 fishing two Boobies, with one beauty weighing in at 4 lbs 8 ozs, so finding the fish at the right depth is the name of the game.

Island Pond, Day

6 boats (11 rods) 4 fish for 9 lbs 4 ozs, 1 returned.

Island Pond, Evening

5 boats (7 rods) 3 fish for 10 lbs 10 ozs, 2 returned.

North Pond, Day

2 boats (3 rods) 1 fish returned.

North Pond, Evening

1 boat (1 rod) no luck.

Club Outings

Perth Ex Services AC 3 boats (6 rods) keeping 1 fish for 1 lb 12 ozs.

Week Ending June 22

The week started very well with anglers catching some good baskets of fish, some of which were around the 3 lbs mark, including one at 3 lbs 6 ozs caught by club president Ian McLean.
Although not a lot of fish are showing on the surface, and not a lot of flies hatching, the fish don’t appear to be far down and the more effective technique seems to have been Cormorants fished sub-surface close in to the banks. Craigton Bank, around Swan Island and out from Elsie’s Corner were the hotspots.
Successful lines included floating, midge tip and sink tip with Clifton, Blue bodied Cormorant, Cruncher, Fab, green Blob, Yellow Dancer, Black Cat, Ally McCoist and cdc midge just some of the flies attracting fish.

Island Pond, Day

14 boats (19 rods) keeping 30 fish for 48 lbs 11 ozs, and 48 returned.

Island Pond, Evening

26 boats (46 rods) keeping 42 fish for 81 lbs 4 ozs, 33 returned.

North Pond, Day

No boats out.

North Pond, Evening

No boats out.

Clubs Out

Ferry Fly Dressers 3 boats (6 rods) 10 fish for 16 lbs 1 oz.
Dundee West End AC 5 boats (10 rods) 6 fish for 9 lbs 8 ozs.
Strathmore AC 3 boats (6 rods) 8 fish for 11 lbs 12 ozs.

Notable Catches

A Anderson and partner, 8 for 17 lbs 8 ozs, 5 returned.
I and R McGregor returned 5.
I McLean kept one fish at 3 lbs 6 ozs.
D Beckett returned 8.
A Stewart and J Strachan, 7 for 17 lbs.
S Fraser and B Paton kept one at 3 lbs and returned 7.
H Anderson and H Orran, 4 for 8 lbs 8 ozs.
J Stewart and D Morrison, 2 for 5 lbs 4 ozs, 13 returned.
M Tidcombe and P Kilminster, 2 for 6 lbs 8 ozs, 6 returned.
R McKay, 4 for 8 lbs 4 ozs.
P Wakefield kept 3 for 6 lbs rising to CDCs.

Week Ending June 15

Another spell with cold winds and drizzle which appeared to be discouraging fish from rising in any numbers, though things livened up towards the end of the week.
Sink tip and midge tip lines most successful, with some fish taken on floating lines with small flies.
Anglers fishing on or just under the surface had good sport with flies such as Snatchers, black and red Cormorants, and Diawl Bach, while slightly deeper damsels, and hot headed lures were effective.

Island Pond, Day

10 boats (13 rods) 18 fish for 40 lbs 4 ozs, 51 returned.

Island Pond, Evening

1 boat (2 rods) 3 fish for 8 lbs 10 ozs, 2 returned.

North Pond, Day.

No boats out.

North Pond, Evening

2 boats (4 rods) 4 fish for 9 lbs 12 ozs.

Clubs Out.

Perth AC, 2 boats (4 rods), 2 fish for 3 lbs 8 ozs.

Notable Catches

Mr Dewar and Mr Beattie, 4 for 8 lbs 4 ozs on an Island Pond half day session.
Dave Cooper with a lovely fish at 3 lbs.
Bob Whyte with a cracker at 4 lbs 8 ozs.

Week Ending June 8

It was a quiet week with cold winds which appeared to discourage fish from rising in any numbers.
However, there are now more anglers fishing evening sessions than days. We just need the weather to warm up so we can make the most of the long summer evenings.
Successful lines included floating and midge tip and anglers fishing on or just under the surface have been having good sport with flies such as Snatchers, Grunters, Shipman’s, and Diawl Bach.
Our Top of the water Challenge fished on Saturday the 8th illustrated the week’s difficult conditions with a cold windy evening producing only 6 fish to 13 rods. It was a tough night!

Island Pond, Day

12 boats (21 rods) keeping 9 fish for 16 pounds.

Island Pond, Evening.

17 boats (31 rods) keeping 20 fish for 45 lbs 10 ozs, returning 10.

North Pond, Day

No boats out.

North Pond, Evening

No boats out.

Clubs Out

Dundee High School FP AC, 4 boats (8 rods) 4 fish for 10 lbs 4 ozs, returning 1.
Strathmore AC, 2 boats (4 rods) 2 for 5 lbs 12 ozs.
Balbeggie AC, 6 boats (12 rods) 11 for 22 lbs 2 ozs.

Notable Catch

Mr G McIntosh fishing with Strathmore AC with a fish of 4 lbs.

Week Ending June 1

Rods were averaging around two fish per outing. Reports of many fish hooked but getting off before the net!
Floating and midge tip lines have been most successful with lures such as small dancers and damsels.
Anglers targeting rising fish and fishing on or just under the surface have been having good sport with flies including crippled midge, black and red Cormorant, Grouse and Claret, Olives, Snatchers, Grunters, Claret Shipman’s, and Diawl Bach.
Some fish appear to be chasing fry – shoals of small fish have been seen skittering just under the surface.

Island Pond, Day

15 boats (23 rods) keeping 18 fish for 41 lbs, with 15 fish returned.

Island Pond, Evening

7 boats (12 rods) keeping 5 fish for 8 lbs 6 ozs, returning 14.

North Pond, Day

1 boat (2 rods), no fish reported caught.

North Pond, Evening

No boats out.

Clubs Out

Perth Ex-Services AC, 3 boats (6 rods), 5 fish for 10 lbs.
Newtyle and Meigle AC, 1 boat (2 rods), 5 fish for 11 lbs 9 ozs.

Notable Catches

Aaron Phillip keeping 1 for 2 lbs, and returning 4.
J Watson keeping 2 for 3 lbs 2 ozs.
Mr Watson 4 for 8 lbs, 3 returned.
Frank Ross returned 6.

Week Ending May 25

Fish have been caught around the margins and usual hotspots, with some nice rises out from Cormorant Island and towards Elsie’s Corner.
Some good movement of fish on the surface, though catching them is a challenge.
Floating, midge and sink tip lines proved most successful coupled with lures such as yellow dancers, green pea fritz, and humungous.
Anglers targeting rising fish had good sport with small flies and dries such as crippled midge, brown hopper (size 16), and Midas.
Rods averaged two and a half fish per outing.

Island Pond, Day

21 boats (35 rods) keeping 35 fish for 67 lbs 4 ozs, with 54 fish returned.

Island Pond, Evening

5 boats (7 rods) keeping 6 for 11 lbs, returning 11.

North Pond, Day

1 boat (2 rods) keeping 2 for 4 lbs.

North Pond, Evening

No boats out.

Clubs Out

Perth RASC AC, 3 boats (6 rods) 4 fish for 7 lbs 8 ozs and returned 18.
Aberdeen AC, 2 boats (4 rods) 3 for 6 lbs, 6 returned.
Western AC, 3 boats (6 rods) returned 11.

Notable Catches

P Wakefield, 4 for 8 lbs.
M Ferguson and J Soutar, 4 for 8 lbs, 6 returned.
Mr Watson, 4 for 8 lbs, 3 returned.
D Anderson, 2 for 4 lbs, 2 returned.
I Fraser returned 4.

Week Ending May 18

As the weather warms more fish are showing, and being caught near or just under the surface. Though widespread across the ponds, fish are showing at the margins, although not easy to take.
Successful flies included buzzers, Diawl Bach, black and green snatchers, cormorant, yellow dancer, midas, crippled midge, suspender buzzer and cdc hawthorn.
Size 14 and 16 dries have been successful though rising trout have been quite picky at times.

Island Pond, Day

18 boats, 30 rods, keeping 35 fish for 66 lbs 10 lbs and returning 45.

Island Pond, Evening

13 boats, 20 rods, keeping 32 fish for 78 lbs 9 ozs, returning 39.

North Pond, Day

1 boat, 4 rods keeping 1 fish.

North Pond, Evening

1 boat, 2 rods keeping 1, returning 5.

Clubs Out

West of Scotland AC with 6 boats (12 rods) keeping 1 fish at 2 lbs and returning 25.

Notable Catches

D Anderson with 4 fish for 7 lbs, returning 3.
C Walker and R McKay keeping 7 fish for 10 lbs.
G Stewart keeping 3 for 6 lbs, returning 3.
D Roy returning 5.
D Gregg and A Gregg keeping 8 for 16 lbs 14 ozs, returning 2.
G Hunter keeping 4 for 7 lbs 12 ozs, returning 2.
D Dick and guest keeping 4 for 8 lbs, returning 2.

Week Ending May 11

Monikie continues to fish well with plenty of hard fighting rainbows being taken just below the surface mainly on floating, midge tip or sink tip lines. Some fish coming to dry flies.
Many anglers have had limit catches throughout the week with fish taking a variety of lures in addition to midge and olive imitations.
Successful flies included damsels, yellow dancer, white cat, fab, diawl bach, hare’s lug, crunchers, buzzers, Clifton, green Peter, Kate Mclaren, black pennel, Alexandria, and green wells.
The fish have been offering some superb sport and are in great condition. Evening sessions are coming into their own with warmer weather bringing some good hatches and fish rising as the light fades.

Island Pond, Day

32 boats, 53 rods keeping 126 fish for 207 lbs and returning 334.

Island Pond, Evening

11 boats, 15 rods keeping 41 fish for 81 lbs and returning 81.

North Pond, Day

1 boat, 1 rod, no fish.

North Pond, Evening

No boats out.

Clubs Out

Aberdour AC, 4 boats, 8 rods, 28 fish for 44 lbs, with 28 returned.
Perth AC, 3 boats, 6 rods, 8 for 13 lbs, 45 returned.
Aberdeen AC, 2 boats, 4 rods, 9 for 20 lbs, 1 returned.

Notable Catches

A Graham and guest keeping 8 fish for 13 lbs and returning 22.
D Anderson keeping 4 for 7 lbs, returning 7.
E Seaward and M Beattie returning 13.
M Ferguson returning 13.
J Stevens keeping 4 fish for 9 lbs 10 ozs, returning 8.
J Gibb and E Whyte keeping 8 fish for 16 lbs 8 ozs, returning 10.
E Bonar and M Erving keeping 5 fish for 8 pounds 12 ounces, and returning 9.
S Morris and guest keeping 5 for 10 lbs, and returning 7.
R Laing keeping 4 for 10 lbs, and returning 5.
R Grubb and S Richmond keeping 8 fish for 17 lbs, and returning 12.
D Roy returning 9.
F Ross returning 15.

Week Ending May 4

Successful lines included floating, midge tip and sink tip, with Diawl Bach, Crunchers, Cormorant, and Fabs, Damsels, Yellow Dancer all attracting fish, particularly around the margins and along the north and west banks.
Numbers of fish caught at the end of the week increased hugely thanks to 1000 fish being stocked on Thursday. See pic by Jerry Forteath.

Island Pond

26 boats (38 rods) kept 34 fish for 64 lbs, with 246 returned.

North Pond

1 boat (2 rods) keeping 1 fish at 2 lbs 4 ozs, and returning 3.
Prevailing north winds deterred fishing the North but anglers are beginning to see fish moving there and it may be coming into form as the weather improves.

Clubs Out

Perth Ex Services AC fished 3 boats (6 rods) keeping 2 fish for 4 lbs.
Phoenix AC fished 6 boats (12 rods) keeping 10 for 19 lbs, and returning 128.

Notable Catches

Davie Roy returned a nice fish of 4 lbs plus.

Stacks Image 313

Week Ending April 27

In another cold week, successful lines included slow glass and sink tip, with hare’s lug, cormorant, black and green, gold head ace of spades, green Peter and pink and cat boobies all attracting fish.

Island Pond (Day)

34 boats (56 rods) keeping 40 fish for 79 lbs 8 ozs, with 49 returned.

Island Pond (Evening)

4 boats (5 rods) keeping 3 fish for 5 lbs 8 ozs and returning 8.

North Pond

No boats out.

Club Outings

Perth RASC, 3 boats (6 rods), returning 17.
Ferry Flydressers, 6 boats (11 rods) keeping 3 for 7 lbs, returning 12.
Rannoch AC, 7 for 13 lbs, returning 2.
Dunfermline Rusty Nails AC, 5 boats (10 rods) keeping 4 for 8 lbs, returning 10.

Notable Catches

D Morrison and R Mallory keeping 8 for 15 lbs 8 ozs.
Visitors Gibson and Heddie keeping 3 for 5 lbs 8 ozs, returning 2.

Week Ending April 20

(One day lost to bad weather)
Successful flies included Cormorants, damsels, Diawl Bach, Black and Green and Candy Floss booby fished on floating, midge tip or intermediate lines.

Island Pond (Day)

25 boats (42 rods) keeping 64 fish for 128 lbs, with 79 returned.

Island Pond (Evening)

2 boats (3 rods) with 5 fish for 12 lbs, and 4 returned.

North Pond (Day)

5 boats (10 rods) keeping 1 good fish at 3 lbs 8 ozs, and returning 10.

North Pond (Evening).

No boats out.

Clubs Out

Arbroath AC, 6 boats (12 rods) keeping 27 fish for 54 lbs with 10 returned.
Birkhill AC, 5 boats (10 rods) keeping 1 good fish at 3 lbs 8 ozs, and returning 10. (North Pond).
West Lothian Flydressers, 7 boats keeping 16 fish for 35 lbs 8 ozs, returning 41.

Notable Catches

Keith Robertson and M Selbie with 3 fish for 4 lbs 8 ozs, 10 returned.
J Gibbons and E Whyte with 6 for 12 lbs.

Week Ending April 13

(2 days lost due to bad weather)
Successful lines included Floating and Di3 with cormorants, muddlers, diawl bachs, Clifton, and black and green lures all attracting fish. Once again, between the islands was a hot spot but some settled, warmer, weather would be very much welcomed!

Island Pond

24 boats (39 rods) keeping 28 fish for 52 lb, with 15 returned.

North Pond

2 boats (4 rods).

Clubs Out

Dundee West AC, 5 boats with 6 fish for 13 lb.

Notable Returns

M Cargill keeping 2 for 4 lb 6 oz and returning 3.
Davie Roy returning 3.

Week Ending April 6

(Two days lost due to bad weather)

Island Pond

19 boats (26 rods) taking 21 fish for 47 lbs, and returning 7.

North Pond

No boats out.

Clubs Out

Perth Ex-Servicemen’s Club, 3 boats (6rods) keeping 10 for 20 lbs 8 ozs.

Notable Returns

March appeared to be going out like a lamb on Sunday 31st with a lovely sunny morning which saw some fish coming up for dry flies.
The Monday morning also saw fish up in the water with Roddy McKay and Calum Walker catching six on floating lines on black and red buzzers and a black lure, keeping 4 for 9 lbs 8 ozs, returning 2.
Tuesday saw three visiting anglers out. They had a successful day keeping 4 for 7 lbs 13 ozs and returning 5.

Week Ending Saturday March 30

(2 days lost due to bad weather)
It was another week of ups and downs weatherise, with heavy rain and cold SE winds. However those who ventured out generally caught fish.
Fish appear to be fairly well up in the water with successful lines and patterns including intermediates, sink tips and floaters. Flies doing the business included black and green buzzers and lures, and candy floss boobies.

Island Pond

18 boats (27 rods) keeping 44 fish for 88 lbs, and returning 38.

North Pond

3 boats (4 rods) but disappointingly no success.

Clubs Out

Arbroath AC had a successful outing on the Island Pond on Sunday 24th with 12 anglers keeping 34 fish for 68 lbs and returning 25.

Notable Returns

Davie Roy returning 6 fish.
Eric Greg, 3 for 8 lbs.
Keith Prior, 3 for 6 lbs 8 ozs.

Week Ending March 23

(One day lost to bad weather)
In what turned out to be another turbulent week weather-wise, a good number of anglers braved the elements to enjoy some excellent sport.
Successful lines included midge tip, sink tip and floating with buzzers, olives, nomads, black dancer, diawl bach, small green lures, cormorants and FABs all attracting fish. Productive drifts were between the islands and in the bay off the bailiff’s hut.

Island Pond

21 boats (24 rods) catching 35 fish for 70 lbs 10 ozs, with 94 returned. (Including six half-day bookings)

North Pond

No boats out.

Notable Returns

Eddie Bonnar and Mac Irvine, 5 for 10 lbs 9 ozs, with 2 fish returned.
Dave Roy, 2 for 5 lbs 4 ozs, 4 returned.

Week Ending March 16

A week of ups and downs weatherise, from “a horrible wet cold day” to some warmer days. Almost all anglers who braved the weather had good numbers of hard-fighting fish.
The water is lovely and clear at present and keen-eyed anglers may notice shoals of tasty fry sheltering around the jetty
Successful lines and patterns included intermediates, sink tips and floaters, and washing line.
Flies attracting fish were black and green buzzers, small black buzzers, march brown, cormorants and tequila fab, boobies, dancers and green egg under a bung!

Island Pond

18 boats (27 rods) keeping 45 fish for 104 lbs, and returning 136.

North Pond

1 boat (1 rod) returning 2 fish.

Notable Returns

Davie Roy returning 13.
Tyler Rennie keeping 2 and returning 6.
Bill Bartlett and G Potts keeping 5 and returning 15.
Mr Anderson and Mr Anderson keeping 4 and returning 10 on a half day ticket.
Mr Banister and Mr Fraser returning 15.
Mr Holland and guest keeping 7 and returning 4.
Visiting angler R Gibson with a beauty at 4 lbs.

Week Ending March 9

(Includes Opening Day, March 2)
In what has been a hugely successful opening period, most fly fishers have had fish, even during what has been a very cold spell of weather.
Successful lines included Sink Tip, Midge, Di3, Intermediate and Floating, with Green and black flies, Gold Heads, Dancers, Black Buzzers, Cat's Whisker, Orange Blob, small black Fritz Booby, blue Zulu and Cormorants all attracting fish.

Island Pond

36 boats (53 rods) keeping 68 fish for 163 lbs, and returning 232.

North Pond

2 boats (2 rods) keeping 2 fish for 4 lbs, and returning 2.

Heaviest Fish

Mr Keith with a beautiful fish of 4 lbs 4 ozs.
David Roy, 3 lbs 15 ozs.

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