Monikie Angling Club

Season to close on Sunday October 27

Due to the lack of fish being caught, and anglers trying to catch them, the Committee has decided not to extend Season 2024 into November.
Therefore, Sunday October 27 will be the last day of fishing this season.
The boats will be removed for maintenance and storage in the following week.
Thank you to all members and visitors who have supported the club throughout what turned out to be a very difficult season.

Last chance this season to fish the North Pond

As you will all be aware, the Monikie ponds have not been fishing well of late.
This has led to bookings falling away, particularly for the North Pond which has not seen an angler for some weeks.
The present disappointing situation has been discussed at length by the Committee, and it has been decided to remove the boats from the North next week. (Week beginning Monday, September 30).
Which means – if you fancy a last go at the North Pond rainbows you have till Sunday the 29th.
So come on! What are you waiting for? Phone the bailiff and book your boat.
Tight lines!

Extended evening sessions

As you know, the club has been offering evening sessions on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays till the end of September. Unfortunately, these have not been well supported so the Committee has decided to end them after this weekend. So Sunday September 15 will be the last evening session this season.
Many thanks to those who were encouraged to give it a go.

Price change to season end

In an effort to encourage greater numbers of anglers to fish at Monikie, the Committee has unanimously agreed to restructure session pricing to the end of the season.
Day sessions from Monday, September 2:
Members, £14 per rod.
Visitors and Clubs, £19 per rod.
Evening sessions from Friday, September 6 to Sunday, September 29 (Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays only):
Members, £14 per rod.
Visitors and Clubs, £19 per rod.
There is the usual four fish limit per rod, and all Monikie Angling Club rules apply.
There will be no separate half day price.

The good news just keeps on coming!

As described below, members can fish all day sessions free of charge from Monday August 26 to Sunday September 1. Guests fishing with members also fish for free.
But here’s the thing.
The club has extended this season’s evening sessions from Friday August 23 until September 29, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays only.
These evening sessions will run from 4 pm to 1 hour after sunset.

Members – £14 with 4 fish limit.
Visitors – £19, 4 fish limit.

And the even more good news is the evening sessions in the free week ARE ALSO FREE.
That’s right, there is no charge to members to fish on the evenings of Friday August 30 to Sunday September 1.
Not just any giveaway - it’s a Monikie Angling Club giveaway.
Book now.

All usual Monikie Angling Club rules apply.


Yes, you read that right. Your eyes are not deceiving you.
From Monday, August 26 to Sunday, September 1, all members can fish day sessions free of charge, with the usual four fish limit per rod.
And if you invite a guest – they fish for free too!
This is a big thank-you from the club for your support during what has been a sticky spell of weather, and poor catches.
Talking of catches – there is one.
Of course there is, I hear you say.
Well this is it – we want you to catch fish!
The more fish being shown in the weekly returns, the more anglers are likely to come to try their luck!
So come on, book your FREE boat today. And for as many days as you want in the week.
And please help spread the word. If you know any members who do not access our information on Facebook or our website, let them know about this incredible offer.
No one will want to miss out.
Spread the word.

Monthly Raffle

Congratulations to the winners of the first prize draw of the 2024 season.
Winner of an Airflo® Superflo Freshwater Ridge 2.0 Floating Shadow/Redband Fly Line – value £99.99 – donated by Neil Anderson, Angus Angling, Forfar, is Eddie Geddes.
Winner of fly box with flies tied by Aaron Phillip is Jim White.
Enjoy your prizes, guys.

April – Airflo fly line, sponsored by Neil Anderson at Angus Angling, is Eddie Geddes. Winner of fly box with flies tied by Aaron Phillip is Jim White.
May – Airflo, A. Green. Fly box, I. Hall.
June – Airflo,
Brian Wilkie. Fly box, Gordon Holland.
July – Airflo, S. Richmond. Fly box, Jim White.
August – Airflo, Keith Bonnar. Fly box, Steve Carmichael.
September – Airflo, Dougie Grimmond. Fly box, Roddy Mackay.
October – Airflo, sponsored by Neil Anderson at Angus Angling, . Fly box, .

Neil Anderson scoops the Stuart Brymer Trophy

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Eight boats set off at six o'clock sharp as the 2024 Stuart Brymer Trophy got underway on the evening of Friday, July 26th.
On relatively calm waters (for Monikie!) the anglers sped off in different directions to find the elusive trout.
And it didn't take long before the first of the evening was in the net. Neil Anderson made the catch at 6.15 on an olive snake, fished on an intermediate line.
Competition was fierce, but that early fish won Neil the trophy, with Mike Tidcombe in second place, and Duncan Inglis third.

Though it was a busy night, Duncan found time to take these images of the exciting evening.
Above – wonderful cloud shapes and darkening skies over the Island Pond as the sun began to set.
Right – Kenny Forbes seems to have spotted a fish!
Below – Duncan caught this rainbow on a size 16 black shuttlecock. It was safely released.
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Rodney Grubb is Club Champion

The 2024 Monikie Angling Club Championship final took place on the Island Pond on Friday, July 12.
Eleven doughty members who had qualified from the two heats the week before set off at 6 pm determined to reign supreme in this keenly contested competition.
And it was Rodney Grubb who caught the title of Club Champion.
Conditions were ideal at the start of the evening with a light easterly breeze and some warm sunshine leading to a gentle wave across the pond.
But despite the favourable conditions, fishing was very challenging with only two anglers netting fish on the night.
Ian Crichton was runner-up.
Thanks to all those who competed in the competition and to Brian and the team for organising.

Finalist Aaron Phillip captured this spectacular image as the sun began to set.
While ominous dark clouds gathered over the calm Island Pond waters, Aaron and the other competitors fished on, doggedly seeking out the elusive rainbows.
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2024 Club Championship Final – boat pairings

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2024 Club Championship Heats – Results

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2024 Club Championship Heats – boat pairings

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Neil Anderson wins Top of the Water Challenge

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Cheers! Entrants to the Monikie Angling Club Glencadam Top of the Water Challenge enjoy a complimentary dram (see below) before setting out. The eventual winner, Neil Anderson, is pictured second from right, back row. Runner-up, Fraser McKay, is on Neil's right.

The inaugural Monikie Angling Club Glencadam Top of the Water Challenge took place on Saturday, June 8.
Thirteen hardy souls set out at six o'clock on a cold and blustery evening.
And only four minutes later, eventual Challenge winner, Neil Anderson, had the first fish!
But that just made the other twelve fly fishermen the more determined to hook their own fish.
The competition rules stated that the winner would be the angler who caught the greater number of fish, and in the event of a tie, the outcome would be decided on the time the very first fish was caught.
So the only way to beat Neil was to catch more fish than him.
It was a dour night as the wind gusted from the west, across the Island Pond.
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But the anglers fished doggedly on. Lines were cast and retrieved through frozen fingers as time after time flies were set to tempt the unforgiving rainbows. They were not going to make things easy for the doughty anglers.
After four and a half hours, the klaxon was sounded and the contest was over.
Only six fish had been caught. Neil had two, Fraser McKay had two, Duncan Inglis and Aaron Phillip had one each.
Neil and Fraser tied for biggest number of fish but Neil claimed the prize of a bottle of 18-year-old Glencadam malt – donated by Angus Dundee Distillers – due to his first catch being eighteen minutes earlier than Fraser's first.
Neil also won a voucher for the first fish which he generously passed on to junior angler, Liam.

Season 2024 competition dates

Club Championship


To be held on the evenings of Tuesday, July 2 and Wednesday, July 3.


Evening of Friday, July 12.

Stuart Brymer Trophy

Evening of Friday, July 26

All events 6 pm start.

Great support for Opening Day

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Season 2024 got off to a great start on Saturday, March 2, with 12 boats setting out on the Island Pond, and one on the North Pond.
The weather was kind to us, bright if cloudy, and not too windy. Perfect!
Club President, Ian McLean, welcomed everyone to this superb opening day, and all anglers were keen to cast off.
And it wasn't long before many super-fit – and hard-fighting – rainbows in superb condition were rising to the fly.
In all, 41 fish were kept for 84 lb 8 ozs, and 69 returned.
Green and black flies were the order of the day, with Gold Heads, Dancers and Black Buzzers, Cat's Whisker, Orange Blob, small black Fritz Booby and blue Zulu also being popular with the fish. One angler reckoned the fish weren't deep, and were game to have a go if you could land your fly near to them.
Successful lines included Sink Tip, Midge, Di3, Intermediate and Floating. What a fantastic start to the season! Book now. Phone the bailiff on 01382 370300.
Many thanks to Steph for the Opening Day photo.

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Another 1000 fish go in pre-season

Just prior to the season start another 1000 fish were stocked, the fish shared between the Island and North Ponds.
So, no excuse all you keen fly fishermen – book now to make sure you can get in on the action.
Thanks to Jerry Forteath for this terrific image.

BOOK NOW – phone the bailiff on 01382 370300.

First stocking of season 2024

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The first stocking of season 2024 took place on Thursday, February 22.
One thousand rainbow trout were carefully placed into the cool waters of Monikie ready for the season opening on Saturday, March 2.
Remember, from Monday February 26 until Friday March 1, you can book boats for the start of the new season by contacting Peter Craft on 07775 136171 between 6-8 pm daily.
There is more info about booking below.


2024 season opening March 2

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Monikie Angling Club looks forward to welcoming all members and visitors to our popular fly fishing venue at Monikie Country Park, near Dundee, for the 2024 season, which opens on Saturday, March 2.

After a lot of hard work by our dedicated members, the beautifully prepared boats will soon be on the water, ready for launch day.

From Monday February 26 until Friday March 1, you can book boats for the start of the new season by contacting Peter Craft on 07775 136171 between 6-8 pm daily.

This will be open to members and non-members.

There may be some boats on the North Pond available for opening day. If they are not taken by members they will be opened for non-members.
Looking forward to seeing you all.

Membership fees due now

The 2024 season opens on Saturday, March 2.
If members haven't already renewed their memberships, please do so NOW.
Non-members are very welcome to join the club, too.
You can join/rejoin the club by downloading our Season 2024 application form here.

Bailiffs required

Bailiff convener, Fraser McKay, is once again on the look-out for members willing to volunteer for bailiff duties. These duties include taking payment from anglers on the day, and organising their boats and lifejckets, taking bookings over the phone, and filling in the session returns sheet. Any MEMBER interested, please Contact Us

Neil Anderson wins Top of the Water Challenge

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